Your house could be your biggest investment. To protect this investment, you need to have a good roof. In today’s fast-paced world, you have no…
Hammond and Northwest Indiana
Your house could be your biggest investment. To protect this investment, you need to have a good roof. In today’s fast-paced world, you have no…
An article by Megan Mollmann on MSN Real Estate explains why the roof is the most overlooked part of the house during a home inspection:…
When you were a teenager, you probably uttered the phrase “You’re not the boss of me!” to your parents. For many entrepreneurs this must have…
If you and your family are dry during the rains, cool in the summer, and warm in the winter, you owe a big thanks to…
Asphalt shingles are made with either one of two materials and then combined with asphalt. The organic type is made from organic substances that are…
An article on gives some pointers on how to determine if your home needs a new roof:
It’s getting colder in Illinois once again, and the holidays are about to arrive. However, while enjoying time off work or school, you shouldn’t forget…
Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere in Illinois, then you’d know that, after a few rainstorms, your roofing probably needs to be inspected….
A article cites information from Angie’s List about roof leaks: A leaking roof can cause serious damage to your home. Failing to address leaks… reports that Indiana is among the top 10 states which suffered the most hail and wind damage for 2012: It turns out Indiana is…